Disneyland Resort Update: Dirt and Rocks and Stuff

Disneyland Park, Anaheim, CA
Welcome back to another Disneyland update! By the looks of the analytics, it seems like you folks really like staring at pictures of dirt--in fact, more so than our other content combined. Well, if nothing else, Westcoaster has always been a democracy*, so we're going to indulge you with EVEN MORE PHOTOS OF DIRT!! Lets get at it.
"Star Wars" Land
The internet went abuzz last week when Blog Mickey posted an aerial photo of the "Star Wars" Land construction area taken from the NearMap aerial photo service. The photo itself is actually dated exactly one month ago, but it really showed off how massive the new land is going to be. It also provided some clues as to major pads for future attractions and gave an idea of the amount of disturbance to the Rivers of America. Well, work continues, with more dirt, more vertical construction, and the arrival of more site infrastructure components.
Tom Sawyer Island
Work continues on Tom Sawyer Island, with major parts of the island behind tarps and scaffolding to provide some welcome maintenance and TLC. The rockwork along the stage looks drastically different, appearing to have been sanded down and primed for a new finish. It gives the island a particularly unfinished look that I'm surprised wasn't hidden behind more tarps. It's also had multiple friends questioning what's new and what's always been there, because things look so drastically different. But from the looks of things, it just looks like they're doing cosmetic touch-up's and not actually adding or removing anything--at least nothing visible from the New Orleans Square and Frontierland shore.
Some Birthday Thing
Oh, apparently there was some 61st birthday celebration at the park yesterday for some reason? Or really, there's wasn't. Just a small ceremony and a banner photo op, but nothing elaborate or given away.
Jambalaya Jazz Band
I mentioned last week that live music has returned to the Rivers of America. The Jambalaya Jazz band plays several sets each evening, bringing some fantastic jazz music along the Rivers of America. I like this. It doesn't replace FANTASMIC!, but it reminds me of back in the days when the show had a live jazz band play for half an hour as preshow entertaining before the main even began. Here are some more photos of the band in action.
And that's it for this week! Stay tuned for more travel stuff and Halloween stuff, per usual. We've had a TON of new content this past month since the relaunch, in part to make up for all the time the site spent down as a dilapidated shell of its former self. But you can also see the direction we're taking things, and hopefully, you like it! Check out old updates you missed and tell your friends about how Westcoaster is back and more disappointing than ever! Your patronage is appreciated.
And One More Thing...
Glue bah!
* Westcoaster has never been a democracy.

Architect. Photographer. Disney nerd. Haunt enthusiast. Travel bugged. Concert fiend. Asian.