Disneyland Resort Update: The Final Breakout!

Disneyland Resort, Anaheim, CA
Well, we've come to it... one more formal update for Guardians of the Galaxy - Mission: Breakout of the Not So Scary Collector's Fortress MNSSHPOMGWTFBBQEIEIOR2D2. And also checking up on other things around the Resort. And now we invite you to relax, let us pull up a chair, as the Disenyland Resort proudly presents: your summer.
Guardians of the Galaxy - Mission: Breakout!
Over Memorial Day Weekend, the Guardians of the Galaxy - Mission Breakout! finally opened to massive crowds. Clearly, the online community that said they hated it was outnumbered, because Saturday morning saw lines reported in the 6-7 hour range! However, once the initial FIRST! crowd dash died down, the wait reduced down to a slightly more manageable 2-3 hours, with some reports even saying 60-90 minutes. The general consensus so far seems to be pretty positive. Most people I've talked to have noted how fun it was and a better ride experience than the old Tower of Terror. It's not a specifically amazing ride, but it's quite enjoyable, and even if the Marvel Intellectual Property has been shoehorned in, the execution inside has been pretty fantastic. Which is pretty much what I expected--outside still looks like Tomorrowland 1998 vomit, but the actual attraction itself is well done and quite entertaining.
I didn't get a chance to actually ride this last weekend during my visit, so my photos are of the exterior only. However, since I wanted to feature some look inside, I asked my friend, Brandon Joseph of DizFeed if he could provide a few of his queue photos for the site. He happily obliged, and if you like more of that sort of photography, you should go check out his site!
Now, the only thing that remains is to figure out an appropriate shortened form of the ride name... Guardians Tower? Tower of Tivan? Rocket's Rides?
Summer of Heroes
The Summer of Heroes has begun at Disney California Adventure. The activities are primarily centered around Marvel Land--I mean Marvelwood Land--I mean Hollywood Land. There are dance parties around Guardians, an Avengers show, specialty food items, and other activities. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your point of view), no shoehorned return of a nighttime dance event. Lets take a quick look.
Patriotic Decorations
After a hiatus the past couple of years because of--I guess the 60th Anniversary Celebration--July 4th decorations are back up along Buena Vista Street. Red, white, and blue banners, bunting, and flats are on full display, giving DCA's charming entrance area a nostalgic Independence Day flair.
Tomorrowland: City of [Not] Star [Wars]
The Season of the Force has finally passed, and it's kind of weird to see Tomorrowland devoid of Star Wars Presence. Well, if you exclude Star Tours and Star Wars Launch Bay and the souvenir shops... Space Mountain is no longer hyper, now that it's on an effective supply of anti-stimulant medication. Things are back to normal. For now...
Matterhorn Fastpass
Finally, the permanent Matterhorn Fastpass machines have opened. Located over by the old Motorboat Cruise area, across from the entrance of the Matterhorn, they're pretty cute!
(It occurred to me that Toy Story Midway Mania's Fastpass area is also probably open by now, but I haven't gone back there in a while to photograph.)
And that does it for the week. Summer is in full swing, and that means more of the tourist crowd in town for Olaf's favorite time of the year. Bring sunscreen, water, and a little patience. Although interestingly, Saturdays are better with regards to crowds, since they're blocked out to everyone but Signature Passholders. This past weekend was evidence of the effect of locals, as the parks were definitely less busy vehicular traffic-wise. Now if they could only do something about helping out those security checkpoints...
Go forth and don't be assholes, and have yourselves a good weekend.
Groot bah!!

Architect. Photographer. Disney nerd. Haunt enthusiast. Travel bugged. Concert fiend. Asian.