Santa Clarita Valley Yard Haunts 2019: Coffinwood Cemetery, The Farm Haunt, Clown Town, and More

Santa Clarita, CA
Halloween may be over, but we visited dozens of haunted attractions, so we’re not going to rest until we post update for all of them! This year, thanks to a late Halloween followed almost immediately by the weekend, many haunts are staying open an extra day or two or three into the first weekend of November, which means that if you’re not ready to let Halloween go, you can still see a little bit of spookiness in the major professional haunts and some of the residential haunts.
After covering a couple of haunted yard displays in Corona yesterday, we shift our attention up north, toward the Santa Clarita Valley again. This time, however, we’re focusing on their yard displays. As it turns out, a lot of people decorate for Halloween in the SCV, and even if they don’t create full walkthroughs, their houses celebrate the Halloween spirit in many charming and delightful ways. Lets take a look at the yard haunts that we were able to visit up north this year—including many on the Southern California Haunt List!
Coffinwood Cemetery
We visited Coffinwood Cemetery last year as part of our lone Santa Clarita home haunt night, but we enjoyed it so much that we had to return again this year. This hybrid yard display and brief walk-through is sort of like Santa Clarita’s answer to Irvine’s Boot Hill. Both are graveyard themed. Both are primarily displays with a walkthrough element. Both have been fixtures of their local communities for a while now.
Coffinwood Cemetery once again apparated this October haunt season.
The difference at Coffinwood is that on Friday nights, the attraction is non-scare, so the walkthrough doesn’t have any scareactors present. On Saturday nights, however, all bets are off, as monsters lurk to give guests a startle.
This year, Coffinwood seemed to retain most of the elements of what we saw last year, from the figures to the indoor garage sections. But quality is still terrific, and the production dramatic and eerie. It’s a great place to stop by between haunted houses! Check it out at 159 Waterford Dr, Santa Clarita, CA 91354.
The indoor section features some whimsical scenes. And also some creepy ones next door!
Clown Town
New to us this year was a zany yard display themed to clowns. Clown Town, in fact, is actually open tonight and tomorrow night, from sundown to 10:00pm. Located on a corner lot, this house has a great natural frontage advantage. Passers-by on both Via Palacio and Via Barra will both get good views of this prominent yard haunt.
Clown Town doesn’t have the friendliest-looking of residents.
Multiple static clown characters stand and sit in various poses at Clowntown. A series of colorful, blacklight-lit swaths affords quite the photogenic sight, and the clowns themselves are quite terrifying and gruesome! Accessories like a roller coaster car, ticket booth, and spinning wheel complete a sense of silly terror. Meanwhile, a striped curtain wrapping the garage suggests a sense of circus.
How disturbing!
What’s cool about Clown Town is that its next door neighbor also gets into the act, theming the house to whatever has been decided. In this case, there are clowns on the neighboring lot also. A swinging clown looks incredibly creepy to regular passers by, while a jack-in-the-box adds to the absurdity of this whole endeavor. There aren’t quite as many decorations as at the main house, but this still makes for a fun double feature!
Clown Town is located at 25302 Vía Palacio, Santa Clarita, CA 91355, and has two more evenings left in it. It’s a pretty nice haunt, and even since these photos were taken, there have been additions and updates. Heck, when I parked last Friday, I caught the owner in the act of adding a small bit of theming to the main sign—a Snapchat filter sign for its ghostie BOO-ness.
A look next door.
The Farm Haunt
Further up the I-5, in Castaic, is a new haunt that is testing the waters of the local neighbors by creating a yard display to see just what impact might be put up against the current neighbors. It’s not really new, to be honest. Once upon a time, the Farm Haunt existed up in Glendale, and it told the story of the Fowler family, an unstable and undesirable to band of miscreants who weave terror wherever they want. Eventually, the town was able to band together and exile the Fowlers, but they’ve found a spot over by cousin Dr. Diablo’s to lie low until the malarky dies down.
The beautiful facade of The Farm Haunt.
That’s the story, at least. Currently, there’s not much sign of the family, but the yard display on the real-life Fowler family front lawn is absolutely spectacular. Exquisite ligithing, layers upon layers of detail, a hit of gruesomeness, and a rich and enveloping soundtrack make for a visual feast, and if this a taste of a possible maze next year, we can’t wait to see what gets brewed up in 2020!
A skeleton plies the ground.
The Farm Haunt is located on 29130 Diablo Pl, Castaic, CA 91384. It ran nightly this past season.
Peeking through the windows.
Incidentally, on the same street, there are a couple of other yard displays as well. First off, a graveyard scene that looks dilapidated and creepy, and also features a bit of lighting and projections.
Next door to it, the projecting ghosts don’t really match the scene, but they’re still dynamic and fun.
The graveyard on Diablo Place, just several houses down from The Farm Haunt.
The neighbor’s house has even less, but it had enough to count for something.
Also on the same street is this display, featurting some creepy figures and fun Halloween lighting. It’s not too large, but it’s got some amount of elaborate feel.
Next to Pumkin Jacks
Sort of diagonally across the street on the other side of Redwood Canyon Place from Pumkin Jacks Haunted House, we found this cute mission set with skeletons celebreating the autumn holiday. This seems to be a take on Día de los Muertos, and it’s a cozy little display that already looked great as it. Everything is hand made and assembled by the owner, and the end result looks great! This little display was located at 21792 Redwood Canyon Pl., Santa Clarita, CA 91390 and was not complete until the weekend before Halloween.
And that’s just a small taste at the yard haunts available up in Santa Clarita. Just save this post as a note for next year, because there really are so many great celebrations of Halloween throughout the city. Just like Christmas decorations are tourist destinations in the winter, so too should Halloween theming during the fall. And these yard displays definitely do a great job paying tribute to the spooky holiday!

Architect. Photographer. Disney nerd. Haunt enthusiast. Travel bugged. Concert fiend. Asian.