Battleship Iowa Museum Hosts Veteran's Day 2019 Film Festival

Port of Los Angeles, San Pedro, CA
Fun fact (not really that fun): I have never had Veteran’s Day off in any capacity in my life… not in elementary or high school… or in college… or now as a work holiday. But believe it or not, there are people who do get this holiday off, and for those free next Monday, the U.S.S. Iowa is hosting a film festival in honor of Veteran’s Day. Two documentaries—one on each World War—will be shown, and it’s a nice pairing with exploring the battleship itself and getting a bit of experience with our armed forces.
From the press release:
Battleship IOWA Museum Hosts Free Veteran’s Day Film Festival
Feature screening of Emmy winning documentary, The Last Signal (2017)
Free film festival & family friendly activities
The Battleship IOWA Museum will host a free Veteran's Day Film Festival on Monday, November 11 from 10 am - 5 pm. The first-ever film festival will feature the 2019 Emmy Award winning documentary, The Last Signal (2017) and WWI documentary, They Shall Not Grow Old (2018), with a live Q&A by Emmy Award winning Director Kyle Olson. Free family-friendly activities and ship tours will be offered throughout the day on the Fantail of the ship including mural painting, Vicky the Dog storytime, food vendors and more. All active, reserve and retired military will receive free ship tours.
Monday, November 11, 2019
10 am - 5 pm, ship tours available 10 am - 4 pm
Battleship IOWA Museum, 250 S. Harbor Blvd, San Pedro, CA 90731
Film Festival screenings and the live Q&A will take place on the 3rd deck.
(Photo by Matthew Martinez, courtesy of USS Iowa Museum.)
Admission to the Veteran’s Day Film Festival screenings and Q&A is free, RSVP’s are required at
All active, retired and reserve military will receive complimentary admission to tour the Battleship IOWA Museum.
Self-guided tours and ship admission tickets will be available for purchase.
Adults (ages 12-61) start at $17.95
Seniors (ages 62+) start at $14.95
Children (ages 3-11) $9.95, children ages 2 and under do not require an admission ticket.
Paid parking is available at the Cruise Terminal Parking Lot. Please enter at First Street and Harbor Boulevard.
(Photo by Matthew Martinez, courtesy of USS Iowa Museum.)
About Battleship IOWA
Entering service more than 70 years ago, the USS Iowa deployed to the South Pacific in the early years of World War II. The iconic battleship served with distinction in that war and later, during the Korean War. In the 1990s, as the Berlin Wall crumbled, the IOWA concluded her active duty. Battleship IOWA now serves as a public not-for-profit historic naval ship museum inspiring civic engagement through Education, Veterans, and Community efforts. Forged in war and guardian of peace, the proud ship is the sentinel of the Los Angeles Waterfront. IOWA’s teak decks and steel bulkheads echo the words and deeds of history, having carried upon them three U.S. Presidents, six of the nine American five-star military leaders, countless foreign dignitaries, and most importantly, thousands of her own heroic IOWA sailors. Visitors are awed by the IOWA’s proud legacy as one of the fastest and most powerful ships ever to sail the world’s oceans. Battleship IOWA Museum is open to the public daily, except Thanksgiving and Christmas, from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. For information on special events, group tours, educational programs and Naval retirement flag service, visit

Architect. Photographer. Disney nerd. Haunt enthusiast. Travel bugged. Concert fiend. Asian.