Disneyland Resort Update: Rise of Marvel Land

Disneyland Resort, Anaheim, CA
Welcome back to part two of our latest Disneyland Resort update, started last Friday! Today, we’re strolling through Downtown Disney to check out more from its latest opening, plus happenings at Disney California Adventure—include some different angles of the next big project at the Resort (which already started last year). It’s a great time of transition at the Disneylands, so kick off your week with a bit more from DtD and DCA!
Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes Opens
As our intern indicated in his last update, Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes finally opened a couple of weeks ago. A couple of notes here… I legitimately thought that it might open after Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge did, so good thing I didn’t take the bet on that. Secondly, for the longest time, I’ve been labelling it as “Black Tap Craft Burgers & Beer,” so I was confused why it was suddenly “& Shakes.” Well, I found the original Disney Parks Blog announcement post a year-plus ago, and it did call it “Burgers & Beer.” Guess Disney opted for a more family-friendly title upon opening.
In any case, we checked out Downtown Disney’s newest eating digs last weekend. It’s a casual sitdown restaurant where ordering and paying occurs first before guests are seated. Food is only availbable inside, but guests opting for a select offering of shakes can order them from the take-out window (sitdown offers the full line-up).
Black Tap is definitely an offering in excess. The burgers are outrageous and messy and pretty tasty (though I’d argue that better quality can be found at places like Umami Burger, and for cheaper), while the shakes are an exercise in how many desserts can be crammed into one serving. They are definitely for sharing, exceptionally high in sugar, and worth trying—though they might also leave you feeling a little disgusted with yourself for all the right reasons.
Though the line was lengthy when we arrived at mid-afternoon, it moved relatively quickly. The bottleneck was the number of cashiers—only two—but this appears by design to manage the number of available seats. Food came by in a satisfactorily quick amount of time, though in our case, our burgers appeared to be still dripping with raw meat sauce (good or bad depending on the temperature you liked your burgers cooked) and thus not so structurally sturdy. The prices are on the high side, in my opinion—another example of the upcharge that all the new or refurbished resort restaurants have experienced. Overally, I thought Black Taps was a fun eating experience and well worth trying, but I’m not necessarily clamoring to go back soon.
Pixar Pier Progress
A year and a half after the transformation of Paradise Pier to Pixar Pier began, construction is still ongoing. Inside Out: Emotional Whirlwind continues to progress and more noticeably, as the ride vehicles are up, and the queue canopies are starting to get work. The attraction is scheduled to open sometime this summer.
Mickey’s Silly Symphony Swings is still under refurbishment, but the tower is back, and the ride looks like it should be back open relatively soon. Its scheduled reopening is this Friday.
Marvel Land Construction
It’s been seven years since I’ve ridden Mickey’s Fun Wheel to take construction update photos. In fact, it’s been so long, it’s not even called that anymore. But last weekend, I climbed into a non-swinging carriage to get some aerial angles of Marvel Land for your viewing pleasure. Don’t ever say I don’t do anything for you!
A noticeable uptick in work has been happening over in the former Bug’s Land recently, as steel has gone up in front of the old It’s Tough to Be a Bug attraction to expand the building its upcoming Marvel changeover. It’s going to be more prominent from Cars Land from what A Bug’s Land was, which should be interesting to see handled. In the back portion of the site, closer to the Guardians of the Galaxy ride, the land has been cleared out and consists of mostly a lot of piles of dirt. Steelwork for the building expansion pushes back there as well, significantly increasing the size of the show building of the upcoming attraction. The more visible progress means Marvel Land is about to get a little more exciting. I guess we’ll need to focus on something after Star Wars opens…
It’s springtime, and over at Paradise Park, the roses are in bloom. In fact, a lot of flowers throughout the park are in bloom this time of year, so I figured that posting a bunch of flower photos would be a… thing… to do. So for all you floral aficionados, enjoy!
That concludes our Disney California Adventure and Downtown Disney update for the day. As you can see, with old projects wrapping up, new projects are taking their place. Disneyland will always be in flux, and that’s what keeps things interesting. And us busy. Job security, I suppose. Except for the lack of pay part. Ah well. It’s a labor of love, and the circle of live, and it’s what moves us all.
Wait, where was I again? Um… bloo bah!

Architect. Photographer. Disney nerd. Haunt enthusiast. Travel bugged. Concert fiend. Asian.