Knott's Berry Farm Update: Sol Spin, Around the Park, and R.I.P. Boomerang

Knott's Berry Farm, Buena Park, CA
We've got a busy week ahead of us, with plenty of local parks content. Today, we're going to actually start things with a trek over to Knott's Berry Farm, which, this past weekend, saw the quiet debut of their 2017 capital improvement, Sol Spin, plus the last weekend of the tasty Boysenberry Festival, and the final operating day ever for the legendary and notorious Boomerang roller coaster. Plus, since I was around the parks, I decided to take some nice golden hour photos to showcase more of the beauty of America's first theme park!
Sol Spin
On Friday, Knott's quietly announced that their 2017 addition, Sol Spin, was officially open to the public! Sitting on the grave of Windseeker, this Tango-type thrill ride seats up to 36 riders and lifts them six stories in the air, rotating around multiple axes in a twisted, turning, flipping flight.
For those who've been on these types of rides at fairgrounds, the Knott's version is noticeably less intense. Having seemingly been placed on high efficiency mode to cycle as many passengers as possible, the ride duration only lasts about four full spins around, with the individual ride arm rotations reigned back a little compared to fairground iterations. The attraction is still considered an "extreme" thrill and has a height limit of 54 inches minimum, but it's certainly not an ultra intense ride. Still, for most people, it will probably be intense enough!
Boardwalk Barbecue Restaurant Construction
Seemingly slow-moving construction (mostly because of the heavy winter rains that stalled progress on grading and foundation work) continues over at the Boardwalk Barbecue Restaurant. Located next to the Sky Cabin, this will be a new dining experience coming this... summer? That's the plan, anyway, though right now, they still have a little whiles to go before doors open.
Around the Park
This past weekend was also the end of the Boysenberry Festival. The event has proven to be an even bigger smash success this year, to the point where issues with crowds were on full display Saturday. From exhausting traffic congestion just getting into parking to food running out at multiple stations, the guest experience certainly was trying at times. But the popularity is certainly promising for the future of what is still a great event. Hopefully, with the evidence of the event's acclaim and attraction, next year's event will be better backed up to ensure snafus that occurred over the weekend do not rear their heads again.
In other news, Montezooma's Revenge got a new paint scheme, Coast Rider go shin guards, and Fiesta Village and the Boardwalk look absolutely lovely during golden hour!
Goodbye, Boomerang
Yesterday was the final operating day of Boomerang. The long-running Vekoma roller coaster will be demolished to make way for the next big thing at Knott's Berry Farm. What will that be? A new major roller coaster? Sprawling dark ride? Return of the Pacific Pavilion and its dolphin show? The rumors will certainly ramp up. But for anyone who cared to take one last ride this weekend, yesterday was the day to do it. We'll mark the occasion with a photo spread that shows the ride in much nicer and more beautiful light than its actual, concussion-causing experience ever actually provided. Because, hey, people don't care about an attraction until it's about to leave--or is that just Disney?
That wraps things up from the Farm. Hope you enjoyed the eye candy. Later this week, we'll have another edition in our never-ending Disneyland Resort construction coverage, plus a look at this year's Spring Dapper Day, which took place this past Sunday and saw a delightful assortment of dressed up guests and Disney Bounding enthusiasts converge for a fun and very stylish day at the parks.
In the mean time, be good to each other!

Architect. Photographer. Disney nerd. Haunt enthusiast. Travel bugged. Concert fiend. Asian.