Knott's Berry Farm Update: Boardwalk Starts Coasting

Knott's Berry Farm, Buena Park, CA
We wrap up the week by swinging by Knott's Berry Farm to check in on how things are going over at Walter Knott's old stomping grounds. Summer is just around the corner, and Knott's will have some fun things coming up. Lets see what we can expect soon!
HangTime Progressing
The big news continues to be the push toward the completion of Knott's new roller coaster, HangTime, whose opening day has formally been announced as Friday, May 18th! Yes, in less than a month, Southern California coaster fans will be able to experience the first dive coaster on the west coast!
On the construction front, the station is largely complete, and the souvenir shop building looks to be that way too. The major work that's left is the landscaping, which is well underway, plus the testing and adjustment of the ride lighting package. The tracer lights that will run along HangTime have already been installed. They just need to be programmed. But in just a few weeks, everything will be unveiled!
Xcelerator Returns (Photo Proof)
In our last update, we mentioned that Xcelerator had FINALLY reopened after a very long hiatus. But we didn't have any photographic proof. Well, here's pics that it happened. After all, that's what they say on the interwebz, right?
Ghost Town Alive! Coming Soon...
A big banner is up out front advertising the upcoming return of season 3 of Ghost Town Alive! If you have no idea what that is, read our big update on its debut year and its season 1 finale. And also our report from Ghost Town Alive last year. And last year's plot finale. In short, it's a wonderfully immersive, interactive, role playing theater where guests are part of the show and can interact with a cast of characters throughout Ghost Town. This amazing summer event won the THEA Award (basically the theme park Oscars) for "Connected Immersive Theater" and has been a huge hit with fans. This summer will bring a new storyline, but familiar characters. Can't wait to see what happens!
Around Ghost Town
Finally, as long as we're in the area, lets take a little walk around a bit of Ghost Town. Basically, these are a few more photos I snapped last weekend, taking in the nice afternoon light on a non-busy day at the Berry Farm.
This may very well be the final update we do from Knott's until HangTime opens. It should be a great addition to the Knott's coaster lineup and definitely an improved successor to Boomerang, which stood in its footprint only a year ago. Knott's is definitely continuing to up its game when it comes to a great theme park experience for guests of all types and ages. We're happy to see the park continue to thrive and succeed and improve!

Architect. Photographer. Disney nerd. Haunt enthusiast. Travel bugged. Concert fiend. Asian.