Knott's Berry Farm Update: Hangtime Track Completed

Knott's Berry Farm, Buena Park, CA
Hey, guys! It's been a spell since our last theme park update, but it's time to get back into the swing of things. We've got a lot of content from our local parks this week too, so for those who've been missing Westcoaster things (I mean, if such people exist), we're about to make up January's lapse in a hurry.
Today, we've got a bit of a quickie to ease us back into things, as we look at the progress on HangTime at Knott's Berry Farm. And progressed it has! The last time we checked in, just barely over a month ago, the track was not even half done. But they've been throwing up steel in a flurry these past several weeks, and as of a little over a week ago, the track is completely done. Lets check out what Knott's roller coaster offering for 2018 is currently looking like!
HangTime Construction
With its recent track installation completion, HangTime is well ahead of schedule. At this point, the only remaining items are the ride station, queue, lighting, signage, and landscaping. Once the station goes up, it shouldn't be long before we see testing. And though one would expect the opening date to be around the Memorial Day time period to catch the summer season, it seems likely that Knott's replacement for Boomerang could open well before that. It's definitely an exciting sight to behold!
In addition, Knott's has added construction-related Peanuts comics on the work walls that are pretty darn adorable. It's a nice touch to a utilitarian structure.
Xcelerator Status Update
Um... it's still closed. I have no idea when it will reopen, but at this point, it might be fun to start wagering if HangTime will debut before Xcelerator reopens. We'll see.
Later this week, we'll have a report from Knott's Peanuts Celebration event taking place on weekends now through the end of next month. We'll also catch up on all the construction updates that have transpired at the Disneyland Resort and also see what's going on with their Lunar New Year celebration this year! It may be the "off season," but that doesn't mean the local parks are standing idle. That's more interest for us, the theme park patrons!
Zoom bah!

Architect. Photographer. Disney nerd. Haunt enthusiast. Travel bugged. Concert fiend. Asian.