Knott's Berry Farm Update: HangTime Getting High

Knott's Berry Farm, Buena Park, CA
It may be after Christmas, but that doesn't mean we're going to stop giving (...updates that is; although actually, next month, we'll be taking a bit of a break as I go on vacation). Today, we venture to good ol' Knott's Berry--erm, technically, still Merry Farm to primarily take a look at how next year's big roller coaster addition is shaping up. And as long as we're there, we'll take a look around to take in the holiday evening ambiance too. Sound good? Great!
(Also, today's update title is sponsored by Towelie.)
HangTime Construction
When we last stopped by a month ago, HangTime had gone vertical, but only the lift hill, part of the first drop, and assorted columns. Well, that has changed in a hurry over the past 30-something days, as an assort of inversions, banked turns, and hills have gone up, giving guests a better feel at how sizeable this coaster is going to be! There's still a good amount of coaster layout to go, of course, but a lot of the major elements have been erected (teehee) or are rounding into shape. We can get a sense of how far toward the Sky Tower the track will reach and really see how condensed the layout will intertwine. This is shaping up to be a very fun ride, and I'm starting to get excited for next summer!
Around The Boardwalk
Elsewhere, Xcelerator remains closed for an extended period of time. The issue is mechanical, as the park is apparently waiting for a specific part to come in. We've seen these unexpected and prolonged down times for the popular roller coaster before, usually related to the hydraulic launch mechanism and cable structure. And while at 15 years, this Intamin Rocket Coaster isn't exactly old, it's no spring chicken either. Here's hoping for a timely return as soon as possible in 2018.
Also, the afternoon skies were pretty on Saturday, so here are a bunch of scenic photos from The Boardwalk, which really enhance its ambiance!
Camp Snoopy During the Holidays
We covered all the festivities of Knott's Merry Farm earlier this month, and hopefully, you've had a chance to visit the Farm to partake. Although a majority of the entertainment and decorations are clustered in and around Ghost Town, Camp Snoopy brings its own charm during the holidays, especially after dark. It is one of the simple pleasures of life to just stroll through this Peanuts-themed area, enjoying the vintage, colorful Christmas lights, while the smooth, jazzy, holiday tones of Vince Guaraldi emanate through the air. It's delightfully magical.
Ghost Town During the Holidays
Of course, Ghost Town is no slouch in the atmospheric department, especially now that it is brightly light up during the Christmas season. The most immersive part of the day occurs during twilight, when those deep, luscious blue hour skies provide a show in and of themselves.
That does it from the Farm! This may or may not be the last update of the year, depending on if I have some time to cook up a continuation of our Shanghai Disneyland guide or if Jim has something special cooked up (possibly involving Porgs). In case this is, it's been one very eventful year, both within Westcoaster and without, and we hope you've enjoyed the ride. If you have, my name is Albert, and I'll see you next year. If you haven't, then what the heck are you doing wasting your time still reading this blog?
Auld Lang Syne, and all that jazz!

Architect. Photographer. Disney nerd. Haunt enthusiast. Travel bugged. Concert fiend. Asian.