Disneyland Update: You'll Know Who Wrote It

Disneyland Anaheim, CA
Hey There! Intern Here. Man, this last week was a doozy, wasn’t it? Y’know, there’s times that I’m grateful the wi-fi in my utility closet of a ‘office’ is as bad as it is. I poked my head out and old dudes are coming out of retirement to write a thing, then it comes out that it was never him, but then it was him, but then it wasn’t. It’s like an episode of Disney House of Cards, and I ain’t playin’ that one.
Anyway, that’s not even talking about Spiderman, which now gets all awkward since he’s taking over Tony’s lab in Avengers Campus (Note: It’s not a college, but there will be booze, so…maybe it is college?). More on that later.
Before we get this little update started, I want to say this: If you’re a fan of Disney and you use social media or any other means to communicate with other fans about your mutual love of Disney, please be nice.
I know it sounds ridiculous to say, but we’re all fans of a company that’s sole purpose is to create magic for the world. Disney is in the business of escapism. Whether that’s a movie, visiting a theme park, or even a Disney Store at a mall, they’re there to give you a magical time. That may not always be the case and mistakes happen. It’s a company ran by humans. But they don’t make their money if they don’t deliver a quality product.
I understand we all have our passions and love of specific things in the company. For Jim, it was Rocket Rods. For Albert, it was Three Bags Full. For me, well..I’m just a young little intern so I guess I’ll claim Tuck & Roll’s Drive ‘Em Buggies.
For damn near all of MiceChat it’s the people mover. I can’t blame them, if I could have my ECV on a track and not have to put effort in steering it myself, I’d want that open too because at that point, you get to double fist turkey legs. Win win, amiright?
Anyway, we, the smartassy few of Westcoaster are here to be sarcastic. To make fun of things and have a laugh. It’s one thing to critique, it’s another to blindly criticize something you know nothing of. That’s not to say you’re not welcome to your opinion. You are. But when your opinion “becomes” fact, that’s when the shark done been jumped. Which is where we are now, and I really think we need to slow the hell down, go get a rum dole whip from Disneyland Hotel and just have a fun time with your friends and family. If you don’t like something, then be polite about it. Stop being a grump, because you’re harshing the mood for the rest of the room.
Now, if you’ve got your bran muffin and coffee at the ready, let’s get this country bear show on the road!
Park Yourself and Stay a Wheel-y Long Time
Parking around here has been improved drastically. The new Pixar Pals is a fantastic add, and in my opinion, a good win that worked out better in the end over the Eastern Gateway project. The trees down below are going to provide some welcomed shade as people wait to get through security, meet friends after they park, etc.
Now off to the other side, they’re prepping the drop off area. Currently there’s only one drop off zone on this side, and depending on how busy things are, drop offs are inside under the garage. Once this area opens up, it’ll be a good flow of drop off guests, circle around, pick up guests, and whoosh! Off to Main Gate they go.
Bridging the Gap
Set to open in September, the pedestrian bridge is going to be a good way to move guests away from the street and cars, over and down into a nice little path to Downtown Disney and the Hotel. It’s almost done, and as you can see in one of the shots, there’s some support for what looks like a sign. The path looks pretty good, I’m just curious as to how the Downtown Disney parking will be handled once this is over and done. Will the lots reopen, will the use the second level of Pixar Pals? Who knows. But we’ll wait to find out and not make 3 separate clickbait articles leading you to read “WHAT ARE DOWNTOWN DISNEY’S PARKING WOES? READ HERE TO FIND OUT.” We’ll leave that to the Florida sites who don’t know how to provide quality of basically anything.
And here’s a look down over the area from the top floor. It’s a nice little winding path to your shopping and dining pleasures.
It’s a Great Big Walled Tomorrow
Well we all knew it’d happen sooner than later. McDonald’s final sponsorship is coming to a close at the entrance of Tomorrowland. Yes, the sun-dried french fries are being removed due to Project Stardust (coincidentally the codename of the pesticides they spray on Mickey D’s Idaho spuds. Don’t huff that stuff. You’ll be couch locked for a week.
One of the last times you’ll be able to get a shot like this. Which, if I’m being honest is a bummer because framing on it is a lot of fun. However, it’s best these rocks leave to lay the groundwork for future stuff anyway..
But what will happen to the secret door?!
Caved In
Matterhorn’s got a rocky relationship with earthquakes. A small (and comparatively to the entire mountain, we mean SMALL piece of rock fell off the side of the mountain. Some sites lost their collective poops and said the mountainside fell, and damn near compared it to an avalanche. But if you use your brain and think for a second: Southern California had two 7+ magnitude earthquakes this summer, with sizable aftershocks. While this obviously isn’t ideal, you also look at this spot and realize, “Oh hey, that’s next to a waterfall. Maybe that section wears down a little faster because y’know, water does that to things”. So with a 60 year old mountain and a little shaky earth time near a erosion point, things happen. They’re fixing it. But stop flipping out on things. It’s not like a pink monorail rammed into it.
We Did It Mr. Stark
By the time this finally got published I had to circle back and share the updated photos (see below) Disney released for “Avengers Campus” which is now officially the name of the land. No, it’s not Avengers College, but there will be booze here. So…it’s maybe a little Avengers College. Actually, nope. That’s what I’m calling it now, and we’re throwing a Westcoaster Frat party with Stark, Spidey and Ant-Man. GONNA BE LIT, YO.
So here we are with photos of the land as it gets built up. Check it.
They’re really moving on getting these made. They have to if they’re going to reach a 2020 opening date. Here’s hoping we don’t have a super wet winter season in SoCal.
Now for photos that we totally pulled from this Gizmodo article. But because we’re good college students at Avengers Campus, we cite our sources. Wouldn’t want Dr. Pym to catch us plagiarizing work, now would we?
Get Your Weiners Awarded
That’s the most clickbaity title I’ll ever write. But that got your attention, didn’t it? Sorry to disappoint but this isn’t anything great. It’s just an update about Award Wieners seating area. Which, is surprisingly hard to find. They shuffled some tables over by the entrance to Philhar Magic. But the new area should open soon(?).
Guardians of the College Campus
With the work going on at Avengers Campus, the other side of the entrance to Avengers Campus is encroaching on the entrance to Mission: Breakout. Which, WAIT HOLDUP.
WHY THE HELL DID STARK BUILD AVENGERS CAMPUS RIGHT NEXT TO THE COLLECTOR’S TOWER? Does he not realize the collector y’know…COLLECTS THINGS? That’s basically being a neighbor with a thief, so why are you gonna park your all new Audi E-Tron (here’s your product placement, Audi, now pay up) next to a dude that wants to just take it and shove it next to his stuffed yeti?! Jesus that was a dumb move, Anthony.
Anyway. Entrance is moved, walls are up. Fastpass is shuffled around until Tony builds his college campus next to Mr. Galactic-Five-Finger Discount-Dude.
Batuuty Beauty
To close this shop up for the week, here’s some photos of the new Outpost on the Block. Which since I’m on my soapbox and clearly you’re still reading this, Imma Kayne this from my proverbial Taylor for a second.
“Fans” online who are shredding this land need to stop. For one, if you haven't been in person, form your opinion, but realize it’s a completely different experience than photos and video can give you. In person, the detail and artistry to bring a scaled project like this to life needs to be admired and respected, even if you don’t like the decisions made to make it into Tatooine or Endor. The craftsmanship across the board is some incredible art in terms of building a world. Hell, I hate Avatar, and I’m still blown away at what they did with that land. It’s great work.
Second, while things are ‘slower’ than expected, they’re still raking in a buttload of money. It’s not a failure, despite what sites want you to think. Going back to what I was saying earlier: think for yourself. Don’t be led by your emotions first. Do a little digging, ask questions. But don’t react first and think later.
Thirdly, I wanted to bring up something I laugh at every time I hear it: “Why did Disney build a planet we’ve never been to before with characters we don’t know? Why can’t I pilot the Falcon WITH Han?”
I don’t know Karen, you seemed to be really friggin’ cool with flying in a Starspeeder (A ship you didn’t know) with Rex (A pilot you didn’t know). And also, while there were moments tied to the film (KA BLOOEY DEATH STAR), you also swerved in and out of a comet. You did things not IN the film. And you were fine with it. So what the hell does one ride versus an entire land that did exactly the same thing, just on a larger scale, MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE? I would argue this until I’m blue in the face that it comes down to the fact that it’s simply unfamiliar and change isn’t always easily accepted. Galaxy’s Edge is a new thing that’s changing the scope of theme parks from a design, thematic and operations stand point (IE: No land entrance signage when you’re ‘off planet’). It may be different. It may be unfamiliar. But it doesn’t mean it’s ‘bad’.
So here. Enjoy photos of Batuu and Black Spire Outpost. From here, I leave you. KAYTHXBAI.
Oh PS, I forgot to mention that the top floor of Mickey and Friends (6th/Minnie) has these discs on each of the parking spaces. I think it’s for a sensor parking thing similar to the floor with roofs, but just made for the top deck. They’re being installed and tested, but I don’t really know when they’ll be activated for guest use. Regardless, it’s a nice add.