Disneyland Resort Update: A Magical Halloween One

Disneyland Resort, Anaheim CA
Either people are blowing off their work onto me, or I’m being trusted more. Either way, this intern is TWO FOR TWO ON UPDATES BACK TO BACK, BABY!
This one’s a quick update from around the resort, because it was Labor Day and I really didn’t want to work. But I had to, because I care about you 4 fans that actually read these things. Shoutout to my dad, mom, grandma and ex girlfriend that still stalks everything I do!
Let’s get into it, shall we?
Roll Up with Your Pixar Parking Pals
Admittedly, I had update shots of the elevator shaft construction (hehe..shaft), and update on the groundwork being wrapped up, but they were overexposed and blown out. So I’ll just write out what I took photos of.
Trees being planted
More trees still there from last week.
Bricks being laid.
More bricks still there from last week.
Dirt being shuffled around.
More dirt still there from last week.
Chuck the construction worker taking his union break under a freshly planted palm tree.
Fred the foreman smoking next to a generator.
So here’s shots of the pedestrian bridge and walkway to Downtown Disney that I took.
See? Trees. That’s about all you need to know.
This bridge is going to be a welcomed add to guest flow around the resort.
Still need to add some railings here.
Gotta link this baby up with that slope-y down piece to do the walk things to the Downtown Place. Good writing at this, I am.
Honestly, the design of this is just really fun to photograph. It’s clean, modern, and at night, would be great for a long exposure piece.
So despite crowds walking from the garage, you can still access Downtown Disney from the street at the corner of Magic Way any Disneyland Dr. The walkway splits and you can connect to stairs up to the bridge on the right, or walk to Downtown Disney on the left. Oddly, they took the Downtown Disney sign from the corner.
Stairs as a quick set up to the bridge is right around the corner from the intersection. They’ve really worked on doing their best to help guests move as easy as possible around the resort.
Plants are starting to show up as well. Expected this area to get a lot of green. Also, the Downtown Disney lot is getting some love to open up again soon.
So something I noticed but didn’t include on the last update is that, for the last two times I’ve been over here, Downtown Disney’s original security screening booth (near ESPN Zone and Rainforest Cafe) is closed, and everyone entering Downtown Disney has to walk a little further down the road to enter at Disneyland Hotel’s screening area.
It’s not really that big of a deal, because the crowds haven’t been apocalyptically horrible, and I’m curious if they’re shutting this down to then rework the security area once the walkway and parking lot reopening. This project is supposed to be closing up at some point this month, so we’ll just keep an eye on things and see how it all plays out.
Also, I’m sure it’s been noted before, but any parking over here is reserved specifically for Disneyland Hotel Cast Members, and a drop-off zone for Lyfts and Ubers.
Pumpkins, Spices and uhm…Magic? IDK.
Disneyland's officially decked out in yellow and orange for the season. Bunting is up, flowers are in and even a day later than when I took these shots our pals at MouseInfo landed a shot as they were in-park of the Great Mickey Pumpkin! Magic Happens pretty quick, apparently.
Across the street, DCA’s Buena Vista Street is getting decked out as well. The Headless Horseman statue hasn’t shown up yet, but given the parties roll out in less than a week, it’s safe to say he’ll be around soon.
Stealing this caption from a pal of the site, but “Rising Tortillas” at DCA is now the best thing ever.
Slingy White Stuff from a Spoder Dude
Avengers Campus is making progress albeit, none that I can recognize. I’m sure over the next month or so we’ll see more drywall and stuff go in but for now, it’s just there. Also, if you ever wondered what was going on with Sony vs. Marvel, here’s the skinny: the ride’s been green lit prior to anything that’s happened with the movie breakdown so it’s obviously still going to be a Spider-Man attraction. But it also comes down to the fact that the universe of theme park Marvel characters and MCU characters and what happens to either remains divided. They’re two of their own things, even if they’re played by the same actors.
If you want to be one of those idiots who yell “FIRST” on instagram comments, but if you do that by wearing t-shirts, then you can totally buy this WEB shirt before the attraction even opens!
From other angles, you can see buildings getting built, steel going up and stuff happening. I don’t really know what else to say about it, so here’s photos to look at.
In a few years, this sky line is going to look a lot different.
Honkin’ Haul-O-Ween
Carsland around Hallow-er, Haul-O-Ween is arguably one of my favorites. Yes, Main Street is classic, and Buena Vista Street is adorably vintage, but I love the creativity behind implementing the holiday into the world of Cars. It’s kitschy, it’s cute, and just fun. There’s already evidence of Haul-O-Ween showing up in the land, and I. AM. HERE. FOR. IT.
Sunset Showcase
Something that was a pleasant surprise was seeing the installation of a somewhat large sized marquee being installed in HollywoodLand for the Sunset Showcase Theater. It’s REALLY nice, and logistically helps pull people off the street more than walking all the way around the corner to see a half-assed version of PhilHArmagic.
Gettin’ Rocked and Slightly Stoned
Here’s proof I love you. I endured riding Astro Orbitor to get these shots. But I don’t love you enough to use my camera. So I shot these on my iPhone. The rocks around Tomorrowland are slowly eroding, and soon enough you’ll see them disappear forever.
That’ll about do it for this week. I’m sure we’ll find more things to snark about in detail next week, but for now we’re taking time off from roasting the nuts in Florida this week, because they’re on hurricane watch and can’t get their Starbucks for a bit. Don't want to make them any crankier than they already are, y’know?
I Love you until the end of the line.
I even made a sign for you.