Knott's Berry Farm Update: Fiesta Village Construction Continues

Knott’s Berry Farm, Buena Park, CA
Greetings, folks! Over the weekend, we checked out the Boysenberry Festival at Knott’s Berry Farm! It was delicious and charming and all the family-fun, high-caloric goodness that it normally is, but before we get to that, we’re going to have a very quick update on Fiesta Village construction. Like super brief—like wow, I didn’t know Albert could actually write short updates brief.
Except he’s totally making this longer than necessary already by being expository about his lack of brevity.
Fair point.
Lets start with a view from the Sky Cabin, where you’ll have to excuse the lack of sharpness owing to the Sky Cabin windows not being washed since the Soap Box Derby Racer era… or something like that. It seems. We have to say “it seems” so that we can create plausible deniability in case someone wants to challenge our journalistic integrity or decides to sue us for making blatantly false statements.
Next, lets return to ground level and peek through the blatantly-not-well-concealed construction viewpoints to see the progress that’s been done from a closer level.
Knott’s has not announced an opening date for the completed and reborn Fiesta Village yet, and there is still a fair amount of work remaining on Montezooma. Jaguar has been in operation this entire time, and at some point, it will have to be closed to allow the reinstallation of Montezooma roller coaster track and repainting and additional work on its own coaster track and facilities. But we can expect sometime this summer, and the result is definitely going to be a vibrant refresh of this colorful land!
We’ll be back with a look at the Boysenberry Festival later this week!

Architect. Photographer. Disney nerd. Haunt enthusiast. Travel bugged. Concert fiend. Asian.