Knott's Berry Farm Update: Rapid(s) Quick Draw Edition

Knott’s Berry Farm, Buena Park, CA
Howdy, folks! Today, we’re taking a jaunt to the Old West, and in the spirit of that, we’re going quick draw with a super quick update from Knott’s Berry Farm, focusing on recent progress on their Calico River Rapids attraction!
As you may recall, over on the south side of the park (or the left on a map), there used to be a themed land called Wild Water Wilderness, with its marquee attraction, Big Foot Rapids. In recent years, that land has been omitted from park maps, with Big Foot Rapids left to be understood as part of Ghost Town. The ride closed last fall for a notable refurbishment, similar to what Knott’s has done with the Log Ride and the Calico Mine Ride, and this summer, it will reopen as the rechristened Calico River Rapids—formally completing Ghost Town’s expansion and takeover of the area.
Before we dive into the rapids, I’d like to point out this nice sign over the east parking lot that now greets guests walking toward the underpass traversing Beach Blvd.
Lets take a look at what’s been up, construction-wise, over there!
Calico River Rapids
Truthfully, it’s a bit tough to see exactly what’s going on, because half the ride is hidden by the terrain and foliage of the area. The walkway along the route from the Schoolhouse to the Western Entrance remains open, with glimpses into the drained attraction. Several work walls along the path have been set up, with at least one hiding work for the water cannons that will allow for bystander participation. The islands between the rapids course seem to be getting some work as well, with staking and formwork set up for whatever they’re going to install there. There’s no sign of any animatronics or built structures hinted by the renderings yet, but those might also be in a less visible part of the ride.
And that’s that! We’ll be back with a report on this year’s Boysenberry Festival, which runs now through April 28th. For now, we’ll end with a few random park photos I snapped over the weekend.
The Calico Railroad train chugs around the corner of Supreme Scream.
HangTime is close to turning 1 years old, and it’s still incredibly photogenic!
Yeah, it’s been a great and popular addition to the park. On Sunday, the lines were at least 70 minutes long!

Architect. Photographer. Disney nerd. Haunt enthusiast. Travel bugged. Concert fiend. Asian.